Cinta Laura is the star film, of the birth quakenbruck, Germany, on 17 Agustus 1993 .Cinta Laura that had the complete name of Cinta Laura Kiehl this began his career in the world of Indonesian entertainment as the great finalist the model 2006.a jury of the electoral site is sanjay maulani, a person casting the Director in md entertainment, the love then immediately is offer is in the film.The daughter from Michael Kiehl and herdiana,SH this finally accept the offer to become the main star in the film cinderella (whether the love only the dream?) the production md entertainment.
The uniqueness, four first months, the love not syuting, but receiv the Indonesian course, plus the acting exercise, understand that the love is inde big in various countries, follow the place of the task of his father as the General Manager the hotel grand hyatt.
The film cinderella that introduc the Cinta to the Indonesian community, to the end the love got the appreciation sctv awards with the category of the great actress during 2007.In the site he overcame his competitors in part Marshanda, shireen sungkar, and nia ramadhani.
The Cinta that had high 170 cm and heavy 44 kg this also is stirr up with the activity taught English to children to be not more well-off.
Cinta Laura could ‘job’ read pancasila
The pancasila warning of the birth day, on 6 June 2008 to the special day for Cinta Laura 's star of acting, the birth actress quakenbruck, Germany this got ‘job’ from the pancasila committee and the movement of pancasila spirit of the warning of the birth day to read out the pancasila text in a ceremony that took place in Street, sriwijaya great 26, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan.
“his day I receiv the task of reading pancasila, in the pancasila birth day, just first receiv the task this,” reveal the owner of the complete name of Cinta Laura Kiehl is met immediately after the dress rehearsal.
The request made the love startl and is unstable to prepare, moreover the Guruh Soekarno Putra as the committee 's side provider gave time only two days from implementation time of the ceremony.
“me just is inform in the last two days, after Mas the thunder telephon mami, the hour 10 pagi,” he revealed.“me could be startled, I not knew why I who is chosen, possibly because I lucky ,” more the star cinderella that suspected.
Not only that, in undertook ‘job’ him that, the Cinta is also requir to put on clothes in the style of the official paskibra (troops of the flag bearer) that he admitt just the first time wore him, even the running method then must be arrang by the step for the sake of the step well.
“with like this never, but ok,” reveal the Cinta convey the matter impression of very white clothes that are put on.
Nevertheless, the Cinta that went out before in the agenda succeed in completing his task fluently and certainly made him could sigh in relief.

Cinta Laura retreat from the film
The startling news emerg from Cinta Laura, when his name is displayed, Suddenly he sever himself to retreat from the world of the film, the love want to more concentrating in his lecture next year, but did not ne to worry during this year the pretty face of the love will continue to emerge in the glasses screen.
“year this the focus to the film, next year study,” he explain in Jakarta convention center, Jakarta, on Friday (23/5).
In Middle the activity of the lecture next year, Cinta admitt to having few activities, actually not is not singing, and that has been shown by a little during Attended the agenda sctv award.“yah, that of few exercises want to have the appearance in the rock caf,” he said
Everyone must know if the rock cafe, Ahmad Dhani owner, in fact Cinta Laura had also been rak in Dhani to become the videoclip model wonder woman property Mulan Jameela, that he said is not quot the payment, so this the form of compensation among them, but did not yet have the answer from the Cinta.
“that clear next year possibly I is serious in nyanyi,” he reveal While stepp aside opposite the reporter.

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