Lowongan kerja Administrasi Marine , PT Pancaran Samudera Transport

Lowongan kerja Administrasi Marine , PT Pancaran Samudera Transport

PANCARAN GROUP adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak di Bidang Jasa Transportasi Darat, Transportasi Laut, dan pembuatan Kapal, serta Logistik.

Didirikan pada tahun 1993, Pancaran Group dimulai sebagai sebuah perusahaan jasa transportasi darat, dan pada tahun 2007, juga sebagai Jasa Transportasi Laut. Pancaran Group menemukan kesuksesan yang luar biasa pada usia yang relatif muda dalam industri transportasi.

Mewakili transportasi darat dan laut dengan ISO, sertifikasi ISM dan lisensi lainnya, Pancaran Group mengikuti standarisasi dan kebijaksanaan dengan teliti dan tegas, yang dibantu dengan visi yang jelas dalam perencanaan, perancangan, pengembangan dan operasi, yang menghasilkan presisi dan keselamatan melalui teknologi terkemuka. Saat ini kami melayani klien besar seperti LG, Samsung, Sumisho Global Logistic, dan masih banyak lagi.

Kami berkantor pusat di Jakarta dan memiliki cabang di wilayah Kalimantan. Pancaran Group sedang berkembang dan akan terus melakukan ekspansi karena itu kami mencari professional berbakat untuk bergabung dengan team kami sebagai:

ADMINISTRASI MARINE (untuk PT. Pancaran Samudera Transport)

Requirements :

  • Wanita / Pria
  • Usia maksimal 30 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal SMA / SMK
  • Bisa komputer (Ms.Word, Excel, internet dan email)
  • Mengerti mengenai jenis-jenis barang perkapalan
  • Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun
  • Dapat bekerja dalam tim dengan baik
  • Memiliki loyalitas, jujur dan dedikasi tinggi pada perusahaan

Human Resource Divison
PT. Pancaran Samudera Transport  
Menara Satu Sentra Kelapa Gading
Jl.Boulevard Kelapa Gading Kav.LA 3, No 1
Lantai 6,Unit #0607 Jakarta Utara-14240
Telp : +62 21 29385781 (Hunting); Fax : +62 21 29385782

Atau Email : ellen@pancaran-group.com


Lowongan kerja Administrasi Marine , PT Pancaran Samudera Transport
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Lowongan kerja Administration Staff , PT Fortune Star Global


FORTUNE STAR GLOBAL is a fast growing company in Jakarta and sole distributor for medical support products and technologies developed by Fortune Star World, our head company in Osaka, Japan.
We are currently opening opportunities for young professionals to join us as :

Administration Staff

  • Male or Female
  • Single, max age 28 years old
  • Diploma or bachelor degree from any majors, administration / accounting / psychology is prefered
  • Good communication skill, careful, persistence, patient, fast and hard worker
  • Having knowledge in all aspect HRD administrative functions such as absent record (payroll), over time, medical claim and HRIS
  • Competent in microsoft office

send your comprehensive CV, newest photo to :
Pondok Indah Office Tower I, Suite 407
Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda, Blok V TA
Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan 12310
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Lowongan kerja , Assistant Managing Director , PT Moya Indonesia

PT Moya Indonesia
We are multinational Water Treatment Company based in Singapore , looking for candidate to fill position as below :
Assistant Managing Director
Jakarta Raya
  • Mewakilkan Tugas Direktur dalam melakukan kontrol terhadap ketepatan report, penghimbauan perbaikan report dan kinerja.
  • Dapat mewakilkan Direktur untuk hal yang bersifat Operasional Perusahaan
  • Wanita
  • Usia maksimum 27 tahun   
  • Pendidikan : minimal S1 Tehnik (Lingkungan /  Sipil / Elektro / Kimia / Arsitektur)
  • IPK : 3,00 (skala 4)
  • Bahasa : Inggris Aktif
  • Pengalaman minimal 1tahun
  • Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik pada level apapun dalam Perusahaan
  • Memiliki tingkat operasional yang tinggi
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan masuk ke website / email kami di
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Lowongan kerja Marketing Staff Center , PT Agra Bareksa Indonesia

We are a well growing forestry company, one of Djarum groups which located in Kalimantan.
Currently seeking professional and highly motivated people to join our team for the following position:

Marketing Staff - Officer
Jakarta Raya
  • An analytical thinker, likes to do market research independently or in a group.
  • A self motivated person, a good communicator in sharing ideas, and a team player.
  • One with Pulp & Paper Industry background is an advantage but fresh graduates with passion in the industry/ other forest products are welcome.
  • One from any majors of Undergraduate or Master degree.
  • An ability to speak and to write in foreign languages other than English is an advantage for the candidate.
  • Placement: Jakarta
If you meet the qualifications required, please send your application letter with resume, recent photograph, copies of academic certificate and supporting documents to:
HRD Division
JL. Aipda KS. Tubun Raya no 66C
Jakarta Barat 11410
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Lowongan kerja Drafter , PT Parama Dharma , Terbaru Februari 2013

PT Parama Dharma
  ..... DIBUTUHKAN SEGERA .....  
Kami adalah Kontraktor Gedung dan Interior yang sedang berkembang pesat di Indonesia. Kami mengundang para profesional untuk bergabung dengan kami untuk mengisi posisi:
Drafter (DFT)
Jakarta Raya
  • Pria/wanita
  • Pendidikan STM Bangunan
  • Pengalaman sebagai sebagai drafter ME B91 min 3 th
  • Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
  • Dapat bekerjasama dalam Team
  • Pekerja keras, jujur & loyalitas tinggi
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di luar Jakarta
·         Kirimkan lamaran, CV & pasfoto Anda dengan mencantumkan kode posisi pada subject ke humanresource@paramadharma.co.id
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Lowongan kerja Staf Akunting PT Surya Pertiwi

PT Surya Pertiwi

PT. Surya Pertiwi merupakan distributor tunggal merk TOTO di Indonesia.
Dengan sukses pemasaran yang dicapai, perusahaan berhasil memperoleh kepercayaan banyak kalangan produsen terkemuka di luar negeri untuk memasarkan produk-produknya di pasaran Indonesia.
Profesionalisme dan spesialisasi yang telah diperhitungkan dengan matang menjadikan nama PT. Surya Pertiwi cukup disegani sebagai pemasok barang-barang saniter berkualitas tinggi.
Saat ini, PT. Surya Pertiwi membutuhkan talenta muda untuk posisi:
Staf Akunting
Jakarta Barat (Jakarta Raya) - Tomang Raya
  • Wanita, usia Max 28 tahun
  • Pendidikan min. D3 Akuntansi
  • Jujur & dapat bekerja sama dalam tim
  • Memiliki pengetahuan tentang Pajak
  • Teliti dan mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
Jika memenuhi kualifikasi di atas, segera kirimkan surat lamaran dan CV yang disertai foto terbaru anda ke :
(tuliskan nama posisi yang dilamar di "Subject" e-mail)
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Lowongan kerja PT Nissan Motor Indonesia

Lowongan kerja PT Nissan Motor Indonesia

Calling all passionate people in automotive industry!! As an exciting company, NISSAN seek talented people who are not only excited with the roar of cars but also passionate about customer needs, want to improve through continuous learning, and has drive for excellent performance

Parts and Vehicle Logistics AM


    Control parts and vehicle project and improvement


    Bachelor degree from reputable university, major in Engineering, with GPA min 3.00 out of  4.00
    Has more than 2 years experience in the same related field
    Age 24 – 35 years old
    Has good analytical thinking, numerical ability, logic of verbal, good perspective, and more on accuracy
    Has good interpersonal relationship, communication skill and able to work in team
    Fluent in English is a must (both oral and written)
    Computer literate, fast learned, can work under pressure, available work overtime, willing to travel, and hard working
    Have big interest in automotive

Please submit your complete application letter
Before February 25th, 2013 to:

(Subject : PVL AM)

Lowongan kerja PT Nissan Motor Indonesia
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Lowongan kerja BUMN PT Barata Indonesia , Jobs Career Januari 2013

PT BARATA INDONESIA (Persero), a state owned company since 1971, was established from two Dutch companies, NV.Braat Machine Fabriek (established in 1901) and Machine Fabriek & Werf NV. Molen Fliet (established in 1920). PT BARATA INDONESIA (Persero), in its status as one of Indonesian Government owned which operates in foundry, manufacturing and EPC (Engineering Procurement and Construction) carries a pre-determined mission: To be an excellent company for equipment and industrial components in the global market
PT Barata Indonesia (Persero), state companies in the field of Manufacturing, EPC & Foundry, requiring employees to the business units in GRESIK & CILEGON for the position:

Lowongan Kerja Di PT Barata Indonesia

Kami kembali membuka lowongan kerja berikut :

Untuk S1 Teknik :

  5. SHE STAF (SE)
  7. IT STAFF (IS)
Syarat & Kualifikasi :

No. 1 – 7 : diutamakan lulusan PTN dgn IPK min. 2,75 (skala 4); TOEFL min. 450 & berpengalaman
No. 1 : diutamakan S1. Tek. Mesin; mahir Gambar Teknik, AutoCAD 3D, Design Calculation, Bhs. Inggris Teknik
No. 2 : diutamakan S1 Tek. Mesin; mahir : paham prosedur, kode, uji/tes/ inspeksi di QC; memiliki sertifikat WI / WE (prioritas)
No. 3. : diutamakan S1 Tek. Elektro arus kuat; paham proses manufacturing, mahir instrument (prioritas)
No. 4 : S1 Tek. Sipil; pengalaman pekerjaan sipil min. 1 th.
No. 5 : S1 Tek. Lingkungan; paham sistem K3LH (SHE) & tata kelola lingkungan perusahaan, bersertifikat AK3 (diutamakan)
No. 6 : diutamakan S1. Tek. Mesin; paham estimasi harga, pengalaman bid. Marketing min. 1 th.
No. 7 : S1. Tek. Informatika, paham sistem jaringan / web design & database program

Lamaran & CV lengkap diserahkan langsung ke :

SAC – ITS, Kampus ITS, Keputih-Sukolilo SURABAYA
(paling lambat tanggal 9 Pebruari 2013)
NB :Tulis Kode posisi yang diminati di pojok kanan amplop lamaran
Detail lebih lanjut dapat dilihat pada Iklan display lowongan kerja Jawa Pos : Sabtu , 26 Januari 2013

Untuk S1 Non Teknik :
Syarat & Kualifikasi :

No. 1 – 5 : diutamakan lulusan PTN dgn IPK min. 2,75 (skala 4); mengerti Bahasa Inggris & berpengalaman
No. 1 : S1. Psikologi, paham Manajemen SDM & peraturan ketenaga kerjaan, analisa psikotes & administrasi & proses rekrutmen
No. 2 : S1 Hukum (Perdata) : paham hukum & perundangan RI , hub. industrial; paham kontrak & perjanjian kerja / bisnis (diutamakan)
No. 3. : S1 Akuntansi / Manajemen Keuangan; paham transaksi perbankan umum, perpajakan dan administrasi operasional keuangan
No. 4 : S1 Akuntansi : paham cash flow & laporan/neraca keuangan, budgeting, verifikasi keuangan & perpajakan umum
No. 5 : S1 Akuntansi : paham cash flow & laporan/neraca keuangan, verifikasi keuangan & perpajakan, pengalaman Auditor (diutamakan)

Lamaran & CV lengkap diserahkan langsung ke :

PT Karmacon (Drs. J. Tanzil & Associates)
atau upload di : http://www.jtanzilcareer.com/
Jl. Mayjen Sungkono, Darmo Park II Blok III / 19 – 20
(paling lambat tanggal 5 Pebruari 2013)
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Lowongan kerja Quality Assurance Staff , Terbaru Januari 2013


..... JOB VACANCY.....
About This Opportunity
Join a team that is passionate about quality and committed to enhancing our Guest experience.  You will be part of a team validating that our vendor partners operate efficient, safe and ethical factory environments; producing safe and reliable quality product in line with the most current Target; US Safety and Regulatory requirements in order to enhance the Guest experience.
Use your skills, experience and talents to be a part of Target Sourcing Service’s Quality Assurance business and visionary goals.
Quality Assurance Staff
Jakarta Raya

As Quality Assurance  you'll take the lead as you…
  • Demonstrate key meeting facilitation in pre- production, conduct inspection audits, understand testing protocol, review shipment samples, conduct root cause analysis, and develop and follow up on corrective action plans
  • Demonstrate development and leadership for a small team
  • Minimum of 4-5 years working experience in related field.

  • University graduate or equivalent, Industrial Engineering degree is preferred
  • Excellent communication skills (both verbal and written).
  • Production or quality control assurance experience with knowledge of US/Canada regulatory and safety requirements
  • Result oriented, self motivated, dedicated and committed to continuous learning
  • Ability to travel locally and/or internationally
  • High degree of integrity and professionalism

Eligible team members will receive one of the best earnings packages anywhere, including competitive pay, all-around insurance coverage, training and development and many other perks and benefits. Target is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and is a drug-free workplace.
About Target®
Expect the Best. At Target, we have a vision: to become the best - the best culture and brand, the best place for growth and the company with the best reputation. We offer an inclusive, collaborative and energetic work environment that rewards those who perform. We deliver engaging, innovative and on-trend experiences for our team members and our guests. We invest in our team members' futures by developing leaders and providing a breadth of opportunities for professional development. It takes the best to become the best, and we are committed to building a team that does the right thing for our guests, shareholders, team members and communities.
Target Sourcing Services, a global sourcing organization, is a subsidiary of Target Corporation, the second largest discount retailer in the United States. The company is ranked #38 on the Fortune 500 as of 2012.
Interested applicants please apply with details resume, photo, current salary, and expected salary toJobstreet.
For more company information please feel free to visit
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Lowongan kerja Fund Administration Staff , PT EC Indo

PT. EC Indo, subsidiary of Singapore Boutique Real Estate Company (EC3 ASSET MANAGEMENT).Today, we are opening our doors to dynamic, enterprising and passionate individuals to partner with us for an exciting expansion and growth in the real estate business both locally and regionally.

Fund Administration Staff

  • At least 2 years investment analyst experience with an international or top tier firm
  • Diploma in Accounting/Finance or equivalent
  • Proven ability to contribute and achieve in a team-oriented environment
  • Integrity , commitment , initiative and a sense of humour
  • Good command of English, with SE Asian languages is an added advantage

We offer competitive remuneration and excellent career prospects to suitable candidates. You may visit our website at:
Resumes should be submitted to
Human Resource Manager
Note: Only short-listed candidates will be notified
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Lowongan kerja site construction , PT Prosys Bangun Persada

PT Prosys Bangun Persada
PT. PROSYS BANGUN PERSADA, a leading Engineering and Project Management Consultant in EPC of Oil & Gas, Energy, Chemical, Industry and Infrastructure, Finance & Banking, Telecommunication, and Properties is currently searching for highly qualified candidates for the following positions:
Site/Construction Manager (For Power Plant Project)
Jakarta Raya
  • The candidates minimum must have an undergraduate degree (S1) in Engineering, preferably in Mechanical Engineering from reputable university.
  • The candidates must have an experience for 10 (ten) years in Energy (Power Plant/PLTU) EPC Projects as Mechanical Engineer.
  • The candidates minimum must have experience for 5 (five) years as Project Manager in Energy (Power Plant/PLTU) EPC Projects.
  • The candidatesare familiar and expert in using the softwaressupportingthe work, among others: Microsoft Office, Ms. Project, Risk Management software, etc.
  • Having a leadership skill, a good teamwork, a good communication skill, a strong motivation, a strong personality while working underpressure to achieve project`s goal.
  • Immediate availability is the most preferred candidate.
If you include a candidate who meets these requirements, Please send your CV (including photograph, current salary, expected salary, copies of supporting documents (bio-data, diploma scan / copy of diploma, ID card / driving license, reference work, scan the certificate of expertise / SKA, scan Certificates other supporters) and the file does NOT MORE 1 MB) in MS Word format and in a folder and put the position as email subject as soon as possible to:
Or use the apply button below
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Lowongan kerja Administration Staff , PT Warna Warni Media

Lowongan kerja  Administration Staff , PT Warna Warni Media

PT Warna Warni Media

Perusahaan Advertising terkemuka membutuhkan:

Advertising/Publishing Company description:
Seiring sejalan dengan geliat tumbuhnya perekonomian di Indonesia saat itu, begitupun kami tumbuh bersama partner dan klien kami untuk menggapai keberhasilan bersama. Hingga kini, tidak terasa Warna Warni telah menghadirkan karya-karya berkualitas tinggi dan inovatif serta bercita rasa seni yang tinggi yang tersebar di berbagai wilayah strategis di Indonesia. Ketepatan waktu, efektifitas, dan efisiensi menjadi prioritas kami dan fokus utama kami dengan partner dan klien sesuai dengan tekad untuk mencapai sukses bersama.
Administration Staff
Kuta (Bali) - Legian
  • Wanita
  • S1 Ekonomi Akuntansi / Management
  • Paham tentang laporan keuangan
  • Terbiasa dengan Microsoft Office (min. MS Excel & MS Words) dan Internet
  • Diutamakan yang telah berpengalaman

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Lowongan kerja Site Acquisition Staff , PT Mandiri Daya Utama Nusantara

Site Acquisition Staff

Posting oleh: PT Mandiri Daya Utama Nusantara Tgl Posting: 2013-Jan-17
Location: Seluruh Indonesia

Scope of work termasuk :
- Site surveyor
- Melakukan sosialisasi
- Verifikasi legalitas lahan
- Negosiasi dengan pemilik lahan dan pihak-pihak yang berkaitan
- Mempersiapkan survey report
- Bekerja sama dengan tim proyek lain.

Persyaratan :
- Pria, max 30 tahun.
- Minimum D3
- Memiliki pengalaman min 1-2 tahun di bidang SITAC telekomunikasi
- Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi dan komunikasi yang sangat baik.

Kirimkan detail CV dan foto terakhir sebelum 10 February 2013 ke: mandau.infoatmandau.co.id.
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Lowongan kerja IT Developer , PT Danareksa , Jobs Career Januari 2013

Lowongan kerja IT Developer , PT Danareksa , Jobs Career Januari 2013
PT Danareksa (Persero)
Sebagai pelopor Pasar Modal di Indonesia, serta tradisi penerima penghargaan lokal dan internasional atas prestasinya, Danareksa didukung oleh tenaga-tenaga kerja support yang kompeten. Oleh karena itu kami mengajak tenaga-tenaga muda dan unggul yang siap berkarir di industri Pasar Modal sebagai :
Human Resources Officer
(Kode : HR-2013)
Jakarta Raya

Berusia Maksimal  28 tahun
Pendidikan minimal S1 jurusan  Psikologi lebih diutamakan
Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun dibidang Rekrutmen
Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dan berbahasa Inggris
Berorientasi pada pelayanan pelanggan

IT Developer
(Kode : IT DEV-2013)
Jakarta Raya
Berusia maksimal 30 tahun
Pendidikan minimal S1, diutamakan jurusan Ilmu Komputer/Teknik Informatika
Menguasai bahasa pemograman VB, Visual FoxPro, ASP.Net, VB.Net (lebih disukai yang menguasai Java)
Menguasai database programming dan SQL Language
Menguasai database Microsoft SQL dan Oracle (lebih disukai menguasai keduanya)
Mempunyai pengalaman kerja sebagai programmer selama 2 tahun
Jika Anda memiliki kualifikasi di atas, silakan mengirimkan lamaran dan curriculum vitae berikut pas foto berwarna terbaru, ke alamat email recruitment@danareksa.com, dengan subject email “HR-2013”sebelum tanggal 21 Januari 2013.

Anda dapat juga mengirimkan lamaran per pos ke alamat berikut dengan menuliskan kode lowongan seperti di atas pada area kanan atas amplop.
Human Resources Division
PT. Danareksa (Persero)
Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 14
Jakarta 10110
Hanya kandidat memenuhi syarat yang akan dihubungi.
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Lowongan kerja Games Master , PT Teracord Indonesia

PT. Teracord Indonesia adalah publisher game yang akan melakukan ekspansi ke kota-kota besar Indonesia, dan mencari kandidat terbaik untuk posisi yang dibutuhkan :


Kualifikasi :
  • Min. lulusan D3
  • Bisa mengerti dan berbicara bahasa Inggris
  • Bisa menggunakan MS Office
  • Komunikatif
Lebih diutamakan :
  • Min lulusan Universitas
  • Orang yang berpengalaman mengelola community dan forum
  • Mempunyai pengalaman dan mengerti permainan online game
  • Mempunyai pengalaman merencanakan event
  • Orang yang berpengalaman kerja di perusahaan yang berhubungan dengan customer service
  • Orang yang berpengalaman bekerja di perusahaan Game

Kirimkan lamaran lengkap CV ke email :
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Lowongan kerja Staff Personal Assistant , PT Anggana Catur Prima

Perusahaan Distribusi Consumer Good di Jakarta Utara sedang membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi :


Persyaratan :
  • Wanita, min 23 tahun
  • Pendidikan SMA/SMK/Sederajat
  • Berpengalaman di bidangnya min 1 (satu) tahun
  • Siap kerja di bawah tekanan
  • Familiar dengan MS Office
  • Tinggal sekitar wilyah Jakbar & Jakpus & Jakut

Silahkan kirimkan lamaran/CV + pas photo uk. 4x6 dengan mencatumkan gaji yang diharapkan dan kirimkan ke : hrd@anggana.co.id
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Lowongan kerja Recruitment Officer , Jobs Career Januari 2013

We are national Consumer Goods Company of Indonesia, with the head office in Jakarta. We specialize in Sales and Distribution for Our Coorporate Manufacturing of Foods (Ingredients and Seasoning) and Beverage. Now we are expanding our business and open our door to highly motivated and performance oriented individuals who wants to contribute and participate in the rapid growth of our company.
And seeking a dynamic, highly motivtaed candidate who posses strong interpersonal and communication skill, action oriented to fill the following position :

Recruitment Officer ( RO )

Requirements :
  • Candidate must hold Bachelor's Degree from Psychology.
  • At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Experience to used psychological tools and can make analyze the result.
  • Excellent knowledge in mass recruitment and staffing.
  • Manage recruitment and placement based on manpower planning, starting from hiring to terminating.
  • Have excellent communication and interpersonal skills and negotiation.
  • Maintain communicate with the other Department to ensure whether the position and job title exist on manpower plan.
  • Have excellent communication and interpersonal skills and negotiaiton.
  • Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Human Resources or equivalent.
  • Should be analytical, independent, and able to take initiative.
  • Computer literate.
  • Full-Time position(s) available.

Please send a complete application with the position code as the email subject to : recruitment.kar@gmail.com
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Lowongan kerja Receptionist PT Nipress , Tbk

An Independent Go Public (TBK) Manufacturer Company, leading in automotive battery since 1970. Looking for dynamic people to join our team in order to accommodate our worldwide customers need.
If you are able to work as a team and as well as individual, and willing to work hard in highly dynamic and demanding situations, we invite you to fill our vacant position as:
  • Wanita
  • Max. 25 tahun
  • Pendidikan SMA/D3
  • Pengalaman Min. 1 tahun di bidang yang sama
  • Memiliki skill komunikasi yang baik
  • Dapat berbahasa Inggris Aktif
  • Inisiatif dan Cekatan
  • Berpenampilan menarik
  • Memiliki kepribadian yang baik, jujur, dan disiplin
  • Domisili Jakarta Timur, Bekasi, Cileungsi

Benefit : Health Insurance, Meal Allowance
Status : Permanent Employee

Please send your comprehensive resume in detail (including your organizational experience & achievement in campus & working field), copy of certificate & transcript, 2 pieces of 3 x 4 latest photograph to:
Jakarta 11040 - Indonesia

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Lowongan kerja IT Staff , Pasifik Satelit Nusantara

Lowongan kerja IT Staff , Pasifik Satelit Nusantara 

Pasifik Satelit Nusantara – IT Staff Lowongan Kerja IT Staff di PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara PT. Pasifik Satelit Nusantara is Indonesia’s first private satellite telecommunications company and one of the leading satellite companies in Asia Pacific region. Headquartered in Indonesia, the Company is focused on becoming a fully integrated provider of satellite based telecommunication products and services in the region. Due to the Company’s rapidly expanding business; we invite young, energetic and talented person to join our professional team as : IT Staff Requirements:
  • Female/Male
  • Age maximum 27 years old.
  • Applicants must holds minimum a Bachelor’s Degree, Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
  • Having GPA (IPK) minimum 2,75.
  • Having excellent Programming skills In Sql Server, Java, Oracle.
  • Could work alone as well as within a team.
  • Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
Should you interested and meet the above qualifications, please send your comprehensive resume to: PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara recruitment@psn.co.id

Lowongan kerja IT Staff , Pasifik Satelit Nusantara
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Lowongan kerja Recruitment Officer , Siloam Hospitals Group

Lowongan kerja Recruitment Officer , Siloam Hospitals Group

We are the premier private hospital group. World Class Healthcare experience in Indonesia.

Benchmarked to international standard practices and catering to the different needs of our patients. We are committed to maintain the highest standard of service and employ people of the best caliber.

We invite you to join our team as we serve the nation as :
Recruitment Officer


  <ul><li>  Male / Female with maximum age of 27
  </li><li>  Bachelor or Master Degree in Psychology from a reputable university
  </li><li>  Preferably 1 year experience in recruitment, but fresh graduates are welcome
  </li><li>  Excellent communication and good interpersonal skills
  </li><li>  Willing to work at Lippo Karawaci - Head Office</li></ul>

If you are ready to face the challenge, please send your application letter, CV and the latest photograph to :

Human Resources Department - Head Office Lt.5
JL. Siloam No. 6 Lippo Village
Karawaci, Tangerang 15811

Email: recruitment.siloam@gmail.com

Please write the position you are applying for

on the email subject or right top corner of your application envelope

For further information please visit our website :


Lowongan kerja Recruitment Officer , Siloam Hospitals Group
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Lowongan kerja Customer Service , PT Sejahtera Transindo Lestari

We are a multinational company in export/import business, and we are
looking for qualified persons to fill the positions:



  • Female
  • Min D3
  • Experience in export/ import (preferably)
  • Understand English in oral and writing (min in writing)
  • Ability to operate computer word processing and Excel
  • Honest and responsible for the jobs.

Please submit your CV and application letter to :
Please present at the interview session

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Lowongan kerja Receptionis , PT Outsource Indonesia

PT Outsource Indonesia adalah perusahaan jasa outsourcing BPO dengan pelayanan penyediaan tenaga kerja kontrak ataupun head hunter (non outsource) untuk klien-klien kami yang bertaraf multinasional. Sampai saat ini kami telah bekerjasama dengan beberapa perusahaan perbankkan swasta nasional dan internasional, perusahaan internasional otomotif, manajemen gedung perkantoran, sekolah dan universitas plus, consumer goods serta beberapa industri besar.
Kami mengajak anda yang kreatif dan senantiasa berorientasi untuk maju. SEGERALAH!!!! Bergabung dan mengisi posisi :


Requirements :
  • Wanita, usia maksimal 28 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal SMU (plus) atau Diploma 3
  • Good Looking (Diutamakan)
  • Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
  • Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal yang baik
  • Bersedia ditempatkan didaerah Jakarta Pusat dan Barat

Please send your complete resume & photograph to:

PT. Outsource Indonesia
Bendungan Hilir Raya Street #78 2nd Floor
Central Jakarta 10210
Email to: jobs@outsourceindonesia.com
More information please visit our website at www.outsourceindonesia.com or call our recruitment team in 021.57851718
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Lowongan kerja Badan Usaha Milik Negera , Perum Jasa Tirta I

PERUM JASA TIRTA I adalah Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang ditugasi untuk menyelenggarakan pemanfaatan umum atas air dan sumber-sumber air yang bermutu dan memadai bagi pemenuhan hajat hidup orang banyak, serta melaksanakan tugas-tugas tertentu yang diberikan Pemerintah dalam pengelolaan daerah aliran sungai (DAS).

JL. SURABAYA 2A PO BOX 39 MALANG 65115, TELP (0341) 551971 FAX (0341) 551976

Jenjang Pendidikan - Sarjana (S1) &  Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK)

Jabatan :

  1. Calon Tenaga Ahli Teknik (TK) - laki-laki, kebutuhan 3 orang
    • Kode : TK-001 - Jurusan : S1 Sipil
    • Kode : TK-002 - Jurusan : S1 Pengairan
  2. Calon Tenaga Ahli NonTeknik (NTK) - laki-laki/perempuan, kebutuhan 4 orang
    • Kode : NTK-001 - Jurusan : S1 Manajemen Keuangan
  3. Tenaga Pelaksana (TP) - laki-laki
    • Kode : TP-001 - Jurusan : SMK Sipil - kebutuhan 12 orang
    • Kode : TP-002 - Jurusan : SMK Mesin - kebutuhan 3 orang
    • Kode : TP-003 - Jurusan : SMK Listrik - kebutuhan 11 orang
    • Kode : TP-004 - Jurusan : SMK Akuntansi - kebutuhan 5 orang
Memberikan kesempatan kepada lulusan terbaik untuk mengisi lowongan pada bidang pekerjaan sebagai berikut :

Syarat & Ketentuan pelamar tingkat Sarjana (S1) & Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) :

  • Usia pada waktu mengajukan lamaran maksimal 30 tahun per 1 Pebruari 2013 ,
  • Bagi tenaga kerja outsourcing di PJT I batas usia maksimal 35 tahun per 1 Pebruari 2013 dengan minimal pengalaman kerja selama 5 tahun.
  • Nilai IPK (S1) minimal 3,00 / Nilai STTB (SMK) Minimal 6,0 ; sanggup bekerja dilapangan.
  • Status Belum menikah dan bersedia tidak menikah selama menjalani OJT (masa orientasi pegawai)
  • Khusus formulir lamaran (excel), dapat di download di www.jasatirta1.co.id, isi lengkap & kirim ke alamat email : recruitment@jasatirta1.co.id dengan subyek email diisi sesuai kode lamaran.
  • Berkas lamaran dimasukkan dalam amplop tertutup disertai kode lamaran di pojok kiri atas,  ditujukan kepada :

    Kepala Biro SDM & Umum
    Perusahaan Umum Jasa Tirta I
    Jl. Surabaya 2A, Malang 65115
    PO BOX 39 Malang

  • Pendaftaran dibuka mulai tanggal 13 Januari 2013 dan ditutup pada tanggal 1 Pebruari 2013 (email & cap pos)
  • Mengisi formulir lamaran (excel) formulir dapat di download di www.jasatirta1.co.id . Pengumuman Keputusan Hasil Seleksi Administrasi akan diumumkan melalui www.jasatirta1.co.id.
Berkas persyaratan lamaran harus dilampiri dengan :
  1. Formulir Lamaran yang telah diisi lengkap
  2. Daftar Riwayat Hidup / Curiculum Vitae
  3. Foto copy :
    • S1 : Ijasah Terakhir & Transkrip (legalisir)*
    • SMK : Ijasah / STTB (Bolak-balik-legalisir) & Transkrip Akhir Tahun Pendidikan*
      * (bagi yang belum memiliki ijasah,harap menyertakan surat pernyataan lulus asli berikut transkrip nilai)
    • Surat Keterangan Lahir (Akte Kelahiran)
    • Surat Keterangan Berkelakuan Baik/ SKCK yang masih berlaku
    • Surat Keterangan Bebas Narkoba dari Instansi yang berwenang
    • Surat Keterangan kerja dari perusahaan tempat bekerja sebelumnya
    • Sertifikat Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris (bila ada)
    • Sertifikat Kemampuan Mengoperasikan Komputer (bila ada)
    • Sertifikat / Piagam penghargaan yang lainnya (bila ada)
  4. Pas Foto terbaru Ukuran 4 X 6 ( 2 lembar )
    Tahapan Seleksi Meliputi :
    • Tes Pengetahuan Akademik & Umum
    • Tes Psikologi
    • Tes Bahasa Inggris (Toefl)
    • Tes Kesehatan
    • Wawancara
Ketentuan lainnya :
  1. Tidak dilakukan korespondensi, selama proses rekruitmen berlangsung, jika terbukti ada yang melakukan hal tersebut, maka yang bersangkutan dinyatakan gugur.
  2. Pelamar yang tidak lolos seleksi administrasi, lamaran tidak akan dikembalikan dan menjadi milik Perum Jasa Tirta I.
  3. Biaya transportasi & akomodasi pelamar selama proses seleksi ini menjadi tanggung jawab pelamar.
  4. Bagi pelamar yang pernah mengirimkan lamaran ke PJT I, dinyatakan tidak berlaku.
    Agar mengajukan lamaran kembali sesuai dengan bilaboong.com persyaratan pada pengumuman.
  5. Lamaran disertai No Telepon / HP yang dapat dihubungi.
  6. Tidak dipungut biaya dalam bentuk apapun dalam pelaksanaan penerimaan calon pegawai PJT I.
  7. Diutamakan yang berpengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun di bidangnya.
  8. Untuk setiap 1 (satu) kebutuhan kami akan memanggil 10 (sepuluh) pelamar terbaik.
  9. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja Perum Jasa Tirta I.
  10. Keputusan Panitia penerimaan calon pegawai PJT I tidak dapat di ganggu gugat.
Download :
--- Update : Monday, January 14, 2013
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Lowongan kerja Data Entry Staff , Lowongan kerja SMA,SMK Januari 2013

We are a growing company, specialize in Electronics Security System, especially in CCTV, Alarm and Access Control System, looking for professional, ambitious, and highly motivated individual to join our team in a successful company for position as:


Qualifications :
  • Pendidikan min. SMA/K Sederajat usia max. 35 tahun
  • Pengalaman lebih di utamakan ( Fresh Graduate are welcome )
  • Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
  • Good looking and communication
  • Terampil, ulet, jujur dan tanggung jawab
  • Mampu dalam pengelolaan data (file)
  • Dapat bekerja dengan deadline
  • Teliti, konsisten & bertanggung jawab

Should you think your qualifications meet our requirements, please submit your application letter and comprehensive CV directly to:

Human Resource

PT Suryaniaga Lokalestari
Delta Building Blok B No 15-17
JL. Suryopranoto 1-9 Jakarta Pusat 10160
Email : personnel@suryaniaga.co.id
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Lowongan kerja Terbaru Januari 2013 PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia

Lowongan kerja Terbaru Januari 2013 PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia

PT. Thiess Contractors Indonesia – Thiess is a multinational company with over 6000 employees in Indonesia. Our business provides integrated services in mining, civil construction, process engineering, and telecommunication throughout Indonesia. We are currently seeking :

Job No.: 861425
Department: Mining
Work type: Permanent (Indonesia only)


    Providing emergency response in the case of accident and day to day medical advise/consultation/treatment to employees.
    Provide leadership, motivation, direction and assistance to Site Personnel to achieved compliance with HSEMP policies, procedures and legislative requirements.
    Implement TCI Safety Management System, processes and programs to ensure the conservation of people, property, environment and profits.
    Act as an expert paramedic, health trainer, advisor, inspector ad investigator as required; monitor and follow up injury management; hygiene inspection and food sanitation at catering provider than report to management
    Provide medical evacuation drill, involving First Aid and Emergency rescue team.


    Candidate should be holding a Diploma Degree in Nursery with minimum 3 years experiences as paramedic
    Understand TCI obligations and standards, familiar with Safety Management at all levels and focus on risk management
    Having good communication, team work, proactive, initiative and prefer have driving license SIM A and or could drive LV.

Competitive salary and benefits will be offered to the right candidate.

If you want to take your career to a new level and be involved in exciting workplace change and issues, please apply online through our website at http://careers.thiess.co.id

“Only qualified candidates who apply on-line will be proceed”

Closing date: 8 February 2012 5:00pm S.E. Asia Standard Time

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Lowongan kerja Terbaru Januari 2013 Staff Admin , PT Asia sahabat Indonesia



  • Female, with max 28 years old
  • Candidate must possess at least Diploma any major, preferably Administration
  • Min 1 years experience in the same position
  • Required skill(s): MS office, internet application, data management, administrate entire sales order process, customer service focused, good communication
  • Detail, Energetic, Dynamic and Self Motivated
  • Required language (s) : English & Indonesia
  • Fresh Graduate are encourage to apply

Please send your application completed with CV & photograph and indicate position code to apply in E-mail subject (E-mail not more than 200Kb) at the latest 14 days after this advertisement to :

HR Department
Wisma JPC lt 4
Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya No. 20
Duren Tiga Pancoran Jakarta 12760 )
E-mail : questcon.hrd@gmail.com
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Lowongan kerja Management dan Tecnhical Traine , Terbaru Januari 2013

ThyssenKrupp Elevator is one of the three largest elevator companies in the world. With sales of approx. €4.7 billion and almost 40,000 employees at more than 800 locations, the group is active around the globe. ThyssenKrupp Elevator's aim is to continue to grow strategically and profitably. Innovation and quality are hallmarks of our products and services and assure lasting customer relationships.

As part of our business growth plans in the gulf region, we are currently looking for high caliber people to fill the following positions based in UAE.


    Laki – laki, usia maksimum 30 tahun
    Diutamakan S1 Teknik Mesin, S1 Teknik Electro & S1 Teknik Fisika
    Freshgraduate atau berpengalaman dalam bidang teknik lift dan Escalator akan menjadi nilai plus
    Mempunyai kemampuan dalam berbahasa inggris baik lisan ataupun tulisan
    Bersedia untuk bekerja di lapangan / lokasi konstruksi
    Bersedia untuk ditempatkan / ditugaskan di luar kota
    Terbiasa dalam penggunaan perangkat komputer (Ms. Office), internet dan software lainnya

Apabila berminat dan sesuai dengan persyaratan tersebut diatas, dapat langsung mengirimkan applikasi dan CV anda ke: vinny.olivia@thyssenkrupp.co.id

Paling lambat tanggal 19 January 2013.

PT. ThyssenKrupp Elevator Indonesia
Plaza 3 Pondok Indah Blok E – 11
Jl. TB Simatupang, Jakarta Selatan 12310, Indonesia
Phone: (+62-21) 7511876, (+62-21) 75909641
Fax : (+62-21) 75909642


Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 30 Januari 2013
Tempat : R. 303 Gedung Engineering Center Lantai 3, Fakultas Teknik – Universitas Indonesia, Depok
Harap membawa : CV dan alat tulis

*Terbuka untuk yang belum sempat mengirimkan CV!! Ajak kerabat anda dan bergabung bersama kami!
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