Lowongan kerja Office Boy , PT Bali 1 Stop , Jobs Oktober 2012

Lowongan kerja Office Boy , PT Bali 1 Stop , Jobs Oktober 2012

PT Bali 1 Stop
We are growing company on Property, Immigration, Investment and Government regulation looking for a dynamic, Strong, motivated person to be positioned as :
Office Boy - Office Girl
  • Female or Male
  • At least 1 years of working experience in the related field
  • Graduated Senior High School (SMA)
  • Speaking English is preferable,
  • Able to work under pressure 
  • Honest, Loyal and have highly integrity
  • Willing to interview and position in Jimbaran Bali
Please send your complete CV, latest photo and expected salary  to
Jl. Raya Puri Gading #1
(+200M before Asian International school, on the left hand side)
Jimbaran – Bali – Indonesia
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PT Sehat Global Otomotif
PT. SEHAT GLOBAL OTOMOTIF (SGO) merupakan Holding Company dari Bengkel SEHAT Group, yang menaungi seluruh outlet-outlet yang ada di Indonesia. Bengkel SEHAT Group bergerak dalam bidang perawatan, perbaikan, pengadaan spare-part dan aneka aksesoris mobil. Seiring dengan perkembangan perusahaan, kami mencoba membentuk image kami menjadi lebih professional untuk memenuhi ekspektasi Pelanggan yang semakin tinggi. Sehingga sejak tahun 2010, kami resmi mengganti nama kami menjadi “SEHAT Pro Auto Clinic”. Kami percaya, dengan pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun  menjalankan bisnis bengkel otomotif di Sumatera Utara, kami pasti mampu menjadi bengkel yang sangat Profesional di bidangnya
Berkat upaya yang maksimal serta dukungan dari semua pihak, PT. SGO telah memperluas jaringan usaha dengan mengusung 3 konsep bisnis yaitu Sistem Milik sendiri, Sistem Kerjasama dan Sistem Franchise. Saat ini PT. SGO telah memiliki 13 outlet yang tersebar di beberapa kota di Sumatera Utara, dengan jumlah karyawan sekitar 900 orang.
PT. SGO juga telah memiliki Recruitment & Training Center yang bekerjasama dengan salah satu konsultan dari Belanda dan beberapa konsultan di Jakarta. yang bertujuan untuk memberikan dukungan penuh kepada setiap outlet dalam mengasah SDM untuk mencapai pertumbuhan yang maksimal.
Visi terbesar kami hingga tahun 2020 adalah memiliki 100 outlet diseluruh wilayah Indonesia. Dengan visi ini, kami berharap mampu menciptakan dan membuka peluang kerja bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Karena dari 100 outlet yang kami targetkan, diperkirakan akan mampu menyerap hingga 3500 karyawan. Dengan demikian, dapat dipastikan peluang untuk berkarir sangat menjanjikan bagi mereka yang berprestasi dan mau bekerja keras.
Dalam mewujudkan visi tersebut, PT. SGO memiliki komitmen yang kuat untuk menjadi Holding Company yang penuh dedikasi tinggi untuk membantu mewujudkan Indonesia yang lebih baik.Dalam ekspansi usaha saat ini kami membutuhkan professional untuk posisi :
Staff Administrasi
Sumatera Utara - Medan
  • Pria/Wanita
  • Usia max 25 tahun
  • Pendidikan Minimal SMU Sederajat
  • Berpenampilan menarik
  • Komunikatif dan memiliki jiwa melayani
Lamaran ditujukan ke :
Bengkel  Sehat , Jl. Sei Batang Hari No. 15 B Medan

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PT Oscar Mas


Kami salah satu Perusahaan Distributor Alat Berat
yang sedang berkembang mmbutuhkan tenaga kerja yang dapat diandalkan :

Jakarta Raya


    * Wanita , usia maksimum 23 tahun
    * Pendidikan SMU Sederajat
    * Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
    * Berpenampilan menarik
    * Menguasi Bahasa Inggris minimal lisan

Surat lamaran, CV, foto copy surat- surat referensi dari setiap perusahaan,
Ijazah terakhir, transkrip nilai, KTP dan pas foto terakhir agar dikirimkan ke :


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Lowongan Kerja Secretary To Director Pt Sanyo Jaya Components Indonesia 2012

Lowongan Kerja Secretary To Director  Pt Sanyo Jaya Components Indonesia 2012

PT.Sanyo Jaya Components Indonesia
We are a manufacturer of electronic component currently seeking candidate for:
Secretary To Director (Code:SEC)
Bekasi (Jawa Barat) - Cibitung
  • Female, Single, max 28 years old
  • Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Bachelor Degree, secretarial or equivalent
  • Having significant experiences minimum 2 year old
  • Entry level applicant are encouraged to apply
  • Computer an english literate must be excellent
  • Having knowledge in japan is an advantage
  • Having readliness to work untill after hour depend on the user activity
HRD PT SANYO Jaya Components
Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor Km 35, Cimanggis, Depok 16955
Or you can send your CV to: HRD.Components@cmg.sanyojci.co.id
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Job Vacancy Lowongan Kerja Staff Administrasi Marketing

Job Vacancy Lowongan Kerja Staff Administrasi Marketing

Kami perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Perdagangan dan Distribusi produk makanan yang berlokasi di Tangerang, membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk bergabung bersama kami sebagai :

Staff Administrasi Marketing
Tangerang (Banten) - Dadap Tangerang


   *  Wanita
   * Usia Maks. 35 tahun
   * Lulusan D3 / S1 Accounting
   * Pengalaman min.3 (tiga) tahun
   * Memiliki kemampuan administratif yang kuat
   * Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Microsoft Office / e-mail / Internet)
   * Kreatif, inisiatif, jujur dan memiliki motivasi yang kuat dalam bekerja
   * Mampu bekerja dengan target, rapi, cepat dan teliti
   * Bersedia bekerja di wilayah Dadap Tangerang

Kirimkan Surat Lamaran, CV dan Pas Photo terbaru dengan mencantumkan posisi pada kolom subject, kepada :


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Lowongan kerja PT Grafitecindo Ciptaprima , Jobs September 2012

PT Grafitecindo Ciptaprima, is looking for great peoples to fill some position .

Please find the job vacancy information below
1 ) QC Supervisor ( 2 peoples )

Qualifications :

* Industrial Engineering graduated , Fresh Graduated can apply

* Age not more than 30 years old ( Male )
* Working experience on Quality Department , at least 1 year at printing & packaging company more better
* Microsoft office skill is must .
* English language is Preferable
* Have leadership skill and can be work as team work
* Can work on under pressure situation
* Ready to work on shiftily hour
* Allocated on jababeka cikarang

2 ) Quality System Development ( 2 peoples )

Qualifications :

* Industrial Engineering graduated , Fresh Graduated can applys
* Age not more than 30 years old ( Female )
* Working experience on Quality Department , at least 1 year at printing & packaging company more better
* Microsoft office skill is must .
* Excellent English language skill
* Understand for ISO 9001
* Understand for Lean manufacturing implementation
* Have leadership skill and can be work as team work
* Can work on under pressure situation
* Allocated on jababeka cikarang

3 ) Product engineering Staff ( 2 peoples )

Qualifications :

* Industrial Engineering / machine Engineering graduated , Fresh Graduated can apply

* Age not more than 30 years old* Working experience at printing & packaging company more better .
* Microsoft office skill is must .
* Understand Auto Cad , Photoshop , Corel draw , Adobe Ilustrator
* English language is Preferable
* Understand for ISO 9001
* Understand for Lean manufacturing implementation
* Have leadership skill and can be work as team work
* Can work on under pressure situation
* Ready to work on shiftly
* Allocated on jababeka cikarang

4 ) Marketing Export ( 2 peoples )

Qualifications :

* Industrial Engineering / Economic / any majors graduated , Fresh Graduated can apply
* Age not more than 30 years old ( Female )
* Working experience on Quality Department , at least 1 year at printing & packaging company more better
* Microsoft office skill is must .
* Excellent English language skill
* Can work on under pressure situation
* Allocated on jababeka cikarang

If you are interest with the opportunity , please apply your CV andcover letter not more than 2 weeks from this posting date , to :

PT Grafitecindo CiptaprimaKawasan Industri Jababeka V Blok V Kav 92 - 93
Cikarang - Bekasi 17550
Via email to : latifah@sansico.com --- Update : Tuesday, September 25, 2012
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Lowongan kerja Bank Mega Jobs September 2012

Lowongan Kerja Bank Mega - PT Bank Mega Tbk adalah sebuah perusahaan berbentuk perseroan terbatas dan bergerak di bidang jasa keuangan perbankan. Bank Mega fokus pada fokus pada usaha Retail Banking dan Corporate Banking cepat disejajarkan dengan bank-bank swasta nasional yang masuk dalam 15 besar di antara 130 bank di Indonesia. Bank Mega telah mengantongi sertifikasi ISO sejak tahun 1999 yang merupakan pengakuan atas pengelolaan yang sesuai standar internasional. PT Bank Mega Tbk telah mencanangkan Vision 1000 yang akan memacu seluruh jajaran Bank Mega untuk mewujudkan jumlah kantor cabang menjadi 1000 cabang di tahun 2018 dengan asset mencapai 1000 triliun rupiah.

Bank Mega selain pada usaha kecil menengah kini juga mulai merambah ke bisnis usaha menengah keatas dengan meluncurkan Kartu Kredit MegaFirst. Bank Mega menargetkan pertumbuhan pemegang kartu MegaFirst menjadi 10 kali lipat menjadi 100 ribu di akhir 2013. PT Bank Mega Tbk saat ini kembali membuka Lowongan Kerja Bank dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2012 Bank Mega Tbk

Card Business Officer
  1. Pria dan Wanita
  2. Pendidikan D3 IPK 2,75
  3. Lebih disukai berpengalaman di perbankan
  4. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang persuasive dan bernegosiasi dengan baik
  5. Mampu berbahasa Chinese, English, Bahasa Indonesia
  6. memiliki jaringan dan relasi yang luas untuk program Kartu Kredit
  7. Berpenampilan menarik dan berwawasan bisnis yang luas
  8. memiliki pengalaman dalam bidang marketing perbankan minimal 1th
  9. bersedia bekerja dengan sistem target
  10. Mempunyai wawasan dan analisa yang baik mengenai dunia industri dan bisnis.
  11. Penempatan PT Bank Mega Tbk Area Solo, Boyolali, Sukoharjo, Klaten, Sragen dan Sekitar Jawa Tengah
SME Account Officers
  1. Pria
  2. Pendidikan Min. D3 IPK 2,75
  3. Lebih disukai berpengalaman di perbankan
  4. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang persuasive dan bernegosiasi dengan baik
  5. memiliki jaringan dan relasi yang luas untuk program Kartu Kredit
  6. Berpenampilan menarik dan berwawasan bisnis yang luas
  7. memiliki pengalaman dalam bidang marketing perbankan minimal 1th
  8. bersedia bekerja dengan sistem target
  9. Mempunyai wawasan dan analisa yang baik mengenai dunia industri dan bisnis.
  10. Penempatan PT Bank Mega Tbk Area Solo, Boyolali, Sukoharjo, Klaten, Sragen dan Sekitar Jawa Tengah
Funding Officer
  1. Pria dan Wanita
  2. Pendidikan Min. D3 IPK 2,75
  3. Lebih disukai berpengalaman di perbankan
  4. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang persuasive dan bernegosiasi dengan baik
  5. bersedia bekerja dengan sistem target
  6. Mempunyai wawasan dan analisa yang baik
  7. Penempatan PT Bank Mega Tbk Area Solo, Boyolali, Sukoharjo, Klaten, Sragen dan Sekitar Jawa Tengah
Anda tertarik dengan salahsatu kualifikasi Lowongan Kerja 2012 Bank Mega Tbk diatas, segera irimkan lamaran, CV, Foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4x6, ijazah dan traskip nilai ke alamat dibawah ini:

PT Bank Mega Tbk Kantor Cabang Solo
Jln Slamet Riyadi No. 323 Solo

PT Bank Mega Tbk KCP Urip Sumoharjo
Jln Urip Sumoharjo No. 47 Solo

PT Bank Mega Tbk KCP Klaten
Jln Pemuda Selatan No. 119 Klaten

PT Bank Mega Tbk KCP Boyolali
Jln Raya Pandanaran No. 51 Boyolali

PT Bank Mega Tbk KCP Sukoharjo
Jln Jend. Sudirman No. 119 Sukoharjo

PT Bank Mega Tbk KCP Sragen
Jln Raya Sukowati No. 135 Sragen
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Lowongan kerja Bank UOB Indonesia , Jobs September 2012

Lowongan kerja Bank UOB Indonesia , Jobs September 2012 

Bank UOB Indonesia is a well established bank since 1956 which have 35 Branch offices and 169 Service outlets in 18 provinces throughout Indonesia. Our vision is to be the most reliable and trusted bank in Indonesia. To support this, we are seeking passionate, dynamic, self-motivated individuals who are driven towards performance excellence. We offer you challenges and opportunities to meet your career aspirations as :
Bank Wide Risk Initiatives Senior Manager
(Jakarta Raya)
  • To build & develop the framework and internal policy to manage Bank’s strategic risk
  • To set and enhance the parameters in measuring Bank’s strategic risk profile
  • To create and roll out the initiatives/programs for Risk Management Campaign
  • To closely monitor and evaluate the efficiency & effectiveness of Risk Management Campaign
  • To create the initiatives/programs for the enhancement of MIS
  • To coordinate, collate and review information from respective risk division for reporting to senior management
  • Bachelor Degree in Economics (S1)
  • Have working experiences in banking industry at minimum 8 years
  • Have a sound banking risk management knowledge (especially related to Enterprise Risk Management)
  • Hold BSMR certification
  • Good analytical and communication skills
  • Proficient in English (Speaking & Writing)
lease send your application along with Curriculum Vitae and recent photograph no longer than October 15th 2012 to :

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Lowongan kerja , Drafter , PT Sentral Teknik Surya

Lowongan kerja , Drafter , PT Sentral Teknik Surya 

PT Sentral Teknik Surya
We are an engineering based steel fabricator with more than thirty five years experiences.We are located in Surabaya.
Jawa Timur - Surabaya
  • Manage technical drawing
  • Manage controlling of product
  • Manage detail shop drawing
  • Manage draft design & calculation
  • D3 minimum education, engineering (mechanical, marine, electrical, industrial)
  • Skill: Autocad, MS Office, Technical drawing
  • Age: 21-35 years old
  • Male
  • To be honest, creative, diligent and responsible
PT Sentral Teknik Surya
Kendangsari YKP 2/34
Surabaya 60292
ke mail:

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Lowongan kerja , PT. Gunung Himun Pertama , Staff Recruitment

Lowongan kerja , PT. Gunung Himun Pertama , Staff  Recruitment

PT. Gunung Himun Peratama merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa perawatan properti. Pelayanan yang kami berikan mencakup pelayanan kebersihan yang menangani area komersial, Industrial dan juga Residential. Sedangkan pelayanan lainnya yang sejalan dengan pelayanan utama kami adalah pelayanan gardening, handyman, lift attendance, doorman, reception, hygiene & washroom, pest management dan pembuangan akhir sampah.

Dibutuhkan Beberapa posisi untuk Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Maintenance Property :

Staff Recruitment
Jakarta Raya
  • Pria
  • Usia maksimal 27 tahun
  • S1 Psikologi
  • Mengerti Skoring dan administrasi alat tes psikologi
  • Memiliki kendaraan bermotor
Untuk Lamaran bisa di kirimkan ke :

PT. Gunung Himun Peratama
Jln. Mangga Dua Dalam Blok H1-3 Jakarta 10730

Atau Email :
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Lowongan kerja, Accounting Supervisor , PT Permata Cipta Mandiri

PT Permata Cipta Mandiri
Kami bergerak di bidang food and beverage sedang berkembang, membutuhkan:
Accounting Supervisor
Jakarta Raya
  • Pria/wanita, maksimum usia 32
  • minimum pendidikan S1 akutansi
  • minimum pengalaman 2 tahun diposisi yang sama
  • Menguasai Program Aplikasi Ms.Office ( Word, Excel, dan PowerPoint )
  • Good Performance, Tegas Dan Mampu Bekerjasama dengan Tim
  • Leadership, Komunikatif, Kreatif, Inovatif, Jujur, Sopan Dan Loyalitas
  • Diutamakan dapat Join Secepatnya
send your resume to hrdtimor@yahoo.com
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Lowongan kerja Tentor Honorer , Bahasa Indonesia , Jobs September 2012

Bimbingan Belajar SG
SG adalah sebuah konsultan pendidikan dan bimbingan belajar yang sedang berkembang di Jakarta, Depok, dan sekitarnya. Saat ini, kami membuka peluang untuk posisi:
Tentor Honorer (TH) - Bahasa Indonesia
Jawa Barat
  • Minimal lulusan S1 PTN
  • Mahasiswa S1 PTN (tingkat akhir, mempunyai banyak waktu luang)
  • Fakultas/Jurusan sesuai dengan bidang studi yang diminati
  • Menguasai materi SD, SMP, dan SMA
  • Penampilan menarik dan supel
  • Mencintai dunia pendidikan, profesional, dan bertanggung jawab
  • Pengalaman kerja di bimbingan belajar merupakan nilai +
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh cabang SG
Persyaratan Administrasi:
  • Surat lamaran dengan mencantumkan bidang studi yang dilamar
  • Daftar riwayat hidup
  • Fotokopi ijazah
  • Fotokopi transkrip nilai
  • Pas foto berwarna 4x6 sebanyak 2 lembar
Kirimkan lamaran Anda kepada:
HRD Konsultan Pendidikan dan Bimbingan Belajar SG
Jl. Akses UI No. 62 Kelapa Dua Cimanggis Depok 16951

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Lowongan kerja , Sea Export Staff , Jobs September 2012

Lowongan kerja , Sea Export Staff , Jobs September 2012

PT Pantos Logistics Indonesia
PT. Pantos Logistics Indonesia, one of the biggest forwarding companies in Indonesia, is currently looking for highly motivated and professional candidates to fill several vacant positions in our company :
Sea Export Staff
Bekasi (Jawa Barat)

  • Male/Female
  • Age max. 30 years old
  • University degree (S1) majoring in sea transport management
  • Experience on handling export shipment in forwarding or logistics company
  • Fresh graduate is welcome to apply
  • Fluent in english both active and passive
  • Willing to extend working hour
  • Willing to be placed at Cibitung, Bekasi
Please send your application letter, CV, other related documents, expected salary and 2 pcs of recent colored photographs (size 3x4), put the position code on above right of the envelope or in email subject to:
HRD Dept. PT. Pantos Logistics Indonesia
Kawasan Industri MM-2100 Blok G-1 Cikarang Barat Bekasi 17520 Or
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Lowongan kerja , PT Gramedia Mulit Utama , Jobs september 2012

Lowongan kerja , PT Gramedia Mulit Utama  , Jobs september 2012

PT Gramedia Multi Utama
Kompas Gramedia adalah perusahaan berbasis ilmu pengetahuan (Media dan Multimedia) yang terbesar, terbaik, terpadu dan tersebar di Indonesia. Kami memiliki visi untuk menjadi pemain global di Asia Tenggara. Oleh karena itu, kami membuka kesempatan bagi  Anda para profesional muda, kreatif dan dinamis untuk bergabung dan berkembang bersama kami, mengisi posisi/jabatan sebagai berikut :
Business Legal Officer
Jakarta Raya
  • Pria/Wanita, Usia Maks. 27 thn
  • MinS1 Hukum, IPK Min 3.0
  • Memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang baik (lisan maupun tulisan)
  • Menguasai Hukum Perusahaan dan Bisnis
  • Memiliki ketrampilan drafting dan review perjanjian
  • Komunikatif, fleksibel, kreatif, multitasking
  • Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
  • Dapat bekerja secara individu maupun kelompok
  • Diutamakan yang sudah memiliki pengalaman, Fresh Graduate dipersilahkan untuk melamar
Kirimkan surat lamaran dan CV terbaru Anda melalui Pos dengan mencantumkan nama jabatan* pada amplop, disertai dengan Pasfoto dan kelengkapan Ijazah ke:
FUHR - Kompas Gramedia PO BOX 1298 JKB 11012
Atau ke alamat email ke:
dengan menuliskan nama jabatan sebagai subject dan attachment max 300KB
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Lowongan kerja Bank Panin , Jobs September 2012

Panin Bank adalah Bank swasta terbesar ke-7 di Indonesia dengan lebih dari 450 kantor cabang yang beroperasi di 30 provinsi di seluruh Indonesia. Panin Bank ingin menjadi penyedia layanan jasa keuangan terbaik di Indonesia dan Kami mengundang Anda untuk menjadi bagian dari Panin Bank dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
Performance Management Staff
Jakarta Raya

  • Mengkoordinir pembuatan sales code untuk karyawan seluruh cabang
  • Mengadministrasikan kelengkapan yang diperlukan terhadap proses Performance Management
  • Menyusun realisasi pencapaian kinerja, baik dari segi bisnis maupun support unit
  • Pria atau Wanita, usia maksimal 26 tahun
  • Memiliki latar belakang pendidikan minimal S1 dari jurusan Ekonomi, Ilmu Komputer atau Teknik, dengan IPK minimal 2.75
  • Fresh graduate atau memiliki pengalaman 1 tahun di bidang Performance Management
  • Menguasai Microsoft Excel
  • Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim
  • Mempunyai kemampuan administrasi yang bagus
  • Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi serta interpersonal skill yang baik
  •  PT Bank Panin Tbk
    Panin Bank Centre Building Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 1 Jakarta Pusat 10270.
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Lowongan kerja PT Hero Supermarket, Tbk , Jobs september 2012

Lowongan kerja PT Hero Supermarket, Tbk  , Jobs september 2012 

PT Hero Supermarket, Tbk
We are one of the famous leading retail player in Indonesia, PT Hero Supermarket, Tbk, which have affiliation in Asia Pacific is seeking potential candidate to fill up the following position to become a part of our team:
Area Manager For Starmart
(Code: AMS)

Jakarta Raya
To coordinate regarding a number of stores and be responsible for all Stores Operational activities in order to achieve existing standards to maximize profit
  • Male, and Min of S1 or bachelor degree from any discipline from wellknown university
  • Having more than 5 years in retail experienced for the same position
  • Good team player with an excellence communications or interpersonal skill
  • English proficiency both oral and written is essential
  • Ability to work independently and under tight schedule to achieve a target
  • Willing to be located in any branch stores in Indonesia
If you meet the requirements above, please send your application with recent photograph within 2 weeks after this advertisement to:
Human Resource Division PT. Hero Supermarket, Tbk
Jl. Gatot Subroto No.177 A - Kav 64 Jakarta 12870
or by email to :
Only short-listed candidate will be invited
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Lowongan kerja , Wordpress Developer , Jobs Vacancies September 2012

Lowongan kerja , 
Wordpress Developer , Jobs Vacancies September 2012

CV Mediatechindo
Mediatechindo adalah perusahaan IT berbasis di Yogyakarta membuka kesempatan kepada professional IT untuk bergabung bersama kami mengisi beberapa posisi, dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
Wordpress Developer
Must be able to code advanced CUSTOM THEMES
> Must have proven ability to integrate PLUG-INS
> Must be able to handle site development from theming to deployment on a server
> Ability to maintain design integrity from PSD to HTML/CSS
> HTML5/CSS3 ExpertJavaScript, ajax, jQuery
> Photoshop/Illustrator experience to produce web assets
> Passionate about user experience and usability
> Ability to troubleshoot and problem solve
Jika anda tertarik dan memenuhi persyaratan kami, silahkan mengirimkan ke:
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Lowongan kerja Secretary , PT Krakatau Engineering , Jobs September 2012

Lowongan kerja Secretary , PT Krakatau Engineering , Jobs September 2012

PT. Krakatau Engineering is one of EPC company which is developing to the Top Big Five EPC company in Indonesia with the Vision Domestic Dominant Company which has the goals provide Engineering, Procurement and Construction also maintenance services related to industrial and infrastructure that giving advantage to the stakeholder.

PT Krakatau Engineering owned by the company of PT Krakatau Steel (Persero), having its Head Office in Cilegon and our projects in all part of Indonesia;  therefore, we are seeking highly qualified, self motivated and performance oriented candidates to join our team as :


  • Diploma Degree (D3) in Secretary
  • Min IPK 2,75 (scale 4)
  • Experienced in the same position
  • Good computer skill
  • Smart worker and be able to work under pressure
  • Good communication skill
  • Thorough, loyal and high initiative
  • Willing to be placed in Home Office at Cilegon
  • Willing to be started as contract employee

Please send your application, CV and also mention your expected salary to:
before October 12nd 2012 or click our website www.krakataueng.co.id
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Job Vacancy Administrator - Modern Trade Direct Selling

Job Vacacncy Administrator - Modern Trade Direct Selling

Perfetti Van Melle adalah perusahaan multinasional yang bergerak dalam produksi kembang gula dan pemasarannya. Saat ini Perfetti Van Melle memiliki 14.000 karyawan yang bekerja di lebih dari 30 negara. Di Indonesia, Perfetti Van Melle adalah pemain terbesar dalam pasar kembang gula dan permen, dengan merek-merek terkenal seperti Mentos, Fruitella, Alpenliebe, Big Babol, Chox, Marbel, Chlormint, Happydent, Bonfills, Chupa-chups, Golia. Perfetti Van Melle Indonesia memasarakan produknya ke seluruh Indonesia dan beberapa negara di Asia. Seiring dengan pertumbuhan aktivitas bisnis perusahaan, kami mengundang Anda yang bermotivasi tinggi untuk berkarir bersama kami sebagai: :

Administrator - Modern Trade Direct Selling
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)


  • Menangani proses administrasi yang berhubungan dengan sales, berjalan tepat waktu dan dengan cara yang efektif. Termasuk di dalamnya adalah memastikan pengumpulan, pembuatan laporan serta pengarsipan laporan sales berjalan secara efektif


  • Usia antara 23 - 30 tahun.
  • Minimal lulusan D3
  • Memiliki pengalaman bekerja di area administrasi sales/ key account / distributor, minimal 2 tahun
  • Familiar dan terampil mengoperasikan komputer, khususnya Microsoft Office (Ms. Excel, Ms. Power Point & Ms. Word,) dan pogram SAP
  • Memiliki kemauan untuk belajar, bekerja keras, dan berorientasi terhadap prestasi (achievement Oriented)
  • Memiliki kemampuan analisa data yang baik (numerik di Excel)
  • Mampu bekerja dengan rapi, teliti, dan detail
  • Memiliki kemampuan Komunikasi (asertif) dan hubungan interpersonal yang baik
  • Proaktif

Untuk anda yang memenuhi kualifikasi tersebut, segera kirimkan lamaran lengkap anda, riwayat hidup, dan pas foto terbaru ke:

PT. Perfetti Van Melle Indonesia – HRD Department
JL. Raya Jakarta - Bogor KM 47.4 Cibinong. Bogor. 16912
Email: hrd.pvmi@id.pvmgrp.com

For registered JobStreet.com users, apply online or via sms by typing "JSA(spasi) APPLY(spasi) (JobCode)" and send to (9333)

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We are seeking for qualified candidates to joint our strong team in the following positions:

Requirements :

  • Minimum D3, graduate from a reputable institution majoring in Information and Technology
  • Having more than 2 years experience in developing application using PHP and Java, and additional experience using .NET (C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET) would be advantage
  • Knowledge on Oracle and MS SQL DBMS
  • Knowledge on Microsoft SQL Reporting Services as well as Crystal Report
  • Understanding on OOA/D and OOP concept
  • Knowledge on N-Tier architecture concept
  • Good team worker as well as independent worker
  • Able to work under minimum supervision and dealing with multi-task jobs
  • Willing to travel out of Jakarta (if needed)

Kindly send your application and resume using format of .DOC and .PDF along with the photograph directly to :


Excellent opportunity and challenges will be offered. Only short listed candidates will be notified.

PT. Praweda Ciptakarsa Informatika

Gedung Samudra Indonesia Lt 7

Jl. Let.Jend. S.Parman Kav. 35

Jakarta 11480

NOTE : Quick Apply Not Permitted
Career Level Middle
Yr(s) of Exp 2 years
Qualification Diploma
Industry Information Technology
Job Function Information Technology (I.T.) > Application Specialist - Software / Programming
Information Technology (I.T.) > Software Development
Information Technology (I.T.) > Others
Location Jakarta Barat
Gedung Samudera Indonesia, 7th Fl., Jl. Let. Jend. S. Parman Kav. 35, Jakarta Barat, INDONESIA Enlarge Map
Salary Not Specified / Negotiable
Employment Type Full Time, Permanent

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Job Vacancy Lowongan kerja Supervisor GA ZEBRA ASABA INDUSTRIES, PT

Career Level : Middle
Yr(s) of Exp : 2 years
Qualification : Diploma
Industry : Manufacturing
Job Function : Admin & HR > Clerical / Admin Staff / General Affair
Admin & HR : "> Others

Engineering : > Health / Safety / Environmental
Location : DKI Jakarta
Salary Not Specified / Negotiable
Employment Type Full Time
Indonesia Enlarge Map
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Job Vacancy Lowongan Kerja PT Trakindo Utama Vacancy Service Manager,Technical Support

Lowongan Kerja PT Trakindo Utama Vacancy Service Manager, Technical Support

PT Trakindo Utama is an expanding privately owned company dealing in heavy equipment business, with about 5.500 employees, operating in over 60 support network throughout Indonesia.
We are seeking proficient Heavy Equipment and Medium to Large Diesel Engine experienced people to work on various mining projects. Previous Caterpillar Dealership experience is desirable but not mandatory.

A. Service Manager
B. Technical Support/ Service Superintendent
C. Technical Support/ Service Supervisor

General Requirements
  • Graduate from a reputable University / Technical College
  • Min. 5 years experience and 2 years in similar position
  • Excellent command of English, both orally and in writing. Possess computer literacy (MS Office)
  • Be a good team player, enthusiastic, proactive, and have excellent interactive skills with all level of management and staffs.
  • Good interaction with people, team player with strong creativity & result oriented
  • Strong analytical, interpersonal and communication skill
  • Having good knowledge in CATERPILLAR heavy equipment product
  • Willing to be based at any branches throughout Indonesia

Specific Requirements
  • Knowledge in technical & mechanical system of heavy equipment, and repair maintenance procedures and dealer service operations
  • Knowledge in occupational safety & health management system

Attractive remuneration packages including pension scheme and other benefits, career development opportunities will be provided to selected / chosen candidates.
Please send Your resume to :
Please Login or Register to apply this job online. or PG BOX 2282/JKT 12560 – Indonesia or visit our website
www.trakindo.co.id (human resource/career)
not later than October 30th, 2010
Trakindo CAT
All applications will be treated confidentially. Only short
  • listed candidates will be notified.

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    Lowongan kerja PT. NESTLE INDONESIA Pasuruan – Jawa Timur

    Your World is Waiting

    Our company is a leading food Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company. Our Company has for the past 143 years produces the best product with a passion for excellence in food safety and quality. We are committed to these ideals and value the trust given to us by our consumers worldwide.

    If you have the same passion for excellence, we invite people with professional knowledge, personal integrity, and strong motivation to excel and enjoys facing challenges in a dynamic organization to join as our:

    Work Location : Pasuruan – Jawa Timur

    The selected candidate will be responsible to ensure supply quality products by operating and maintaining our modern facilities in our manufacturing plant in Pasuruan – East Java. Training and development plan will be provided to assist selected candidate to develop his/her competences to meet our requirement.

    The Requirements:

    • Graduate from D3 or Polytechnic program of Mechanical, Electrical or Chemical Engineering or Food Technology with GPA minimum 2.80 of 4 scale
    • A team player with high motivation, capacity to learn, precision and ability to work under pressure
    • Quality conscious & have a lot of energy

    Selected candidates will be offered a competitive remuneration package and career opportunity, and various training programs.

    Interested applicants may send application and CV in soft file (doc or pdf file format) to :

    e-mail: recruitment.kjn@id.nestle.com

    with subject: Production Skilled Operator

    Within 2 weeks after this announcement.

    Source : http://adf.ly/93r7
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    Job Vacancy Dar Al Tawhid Intercontinental Makkah 5 Star Hotel Jobs

    Job Vacancy Dar Al Tawhid Intercontinental Makkah 5 Star Hotel Jobs

    Opening Positions from Dar Al Tawhid Intercontinental Makkah, a 5+ star hotel next to the Holy Mosque.

    Current Vacant Positions:
    - Pressman
    - Housekeeping/Houseman Attendant
    - Cook 1,2,3 (Hot and Cold)
    - Steward
    - Waiter
    - Busboys

    General Requirements:
    • Age between 21 – 28 years old
    • Having minimum 2 years experience in 4 or 5 star hotel in similar positions.
    • Male applicants only.
    • Active English communication.
    • Nice personality

    - 3 times meals daily
    - Accomodation (shared)
    - Transport
    - Joining and end of service ticket
    - Contract for minimum 2 years.
    - And other benefits as standards of Intercontinental Hotel Groups and Saudi Arabian Labor law regulations

    To apply, send your CV with clear thumbsize photograph to Please Login or Register to apply this job online.. Subject Application for Makkah (Applied Position)
    Interview Will be Conduct On October.
    Walk in interview from Monday – Friday (by appointment).
    Contact person : Ibu Tini ( 081210894718 )
    Only shortlisted candidates will be forwarded to the Hotel Recruitment Team.

    Source : http://adf.ly/90rR
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    Graphic Design Staff - PT. Electronic Solution Indonesia

    We are a fast growing ‘PMA company’ in electronic retail business, urgently required highly motivated and professional candidates for Jabodetabek ( Kelapa Gading Hypermall, Poins Square, Plaza Semanggi, Mall Puri Indah, Emporium Pluit Mall, Pejaten Village, eX’ Plaza Indonesia, Mal Taman Anggrek, Gandaria City, Cibubur Junction, Mitra 10 Cibubur, Mall Teras Kota, Mega Bekasi Hypermall, Mall Lippo Cikarang ) & whole Indonesia area (IBCC, Istana Plaza, BIP - Bandung; Panakukang Mall, Makassar & SKA Mall, Pekanbaru) to join our team as:
    Graphic Design Staff

    • Male / Female
    • Possess at least Associate Degree (D3) or Bachelor's Degree (S1) in any major.
    • Required skill(s) : Strong skill in COREL DRAW, PHOTOSHOP, & ILLUSTRATOR.
    • Required language(s) : English (Passive), Bahasa Indonesia
    • At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position (Fresh graduates are welcome).
    • Able to work accurately and handy.
    • Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status
      Send your application letter with the position code on your email subject or on top of envelope to:



    PT. Electronic Solution Indonesia
    Kelapa Gading Hypermall (KTC) Lt. 3 Blok E.17
    Jl. Boulevard Barat Raya, Kelapa Gading Barat,
    Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara, 14240, Indonesia.

    Source http://tinyurl.com/32hkyuy
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    Cinta Laura

    Cinta Laura is the star film, of the birth quakenbruck, Germany, on 17 Agustus 1993 .Cinta Laura that had the complete name of Cinta Laura Kiehl this began his career in the world of Indonesian entertainment as the great finalist the model 2006.a jury of the electoral site is sanjay maulani, a person casting the Director in md entertainment, the love then immediately is offer is in the film.The daughter from Michael Kiehl and herdiana,SH this finally accept the offer to become the main star in the film cinderella (whether the love only the dream?) the production md entertainment.
    The uniqueness, four first months, the love not syuting, but receiv the Indonesian course, plus the acting exercise, understand that the love is inde big in various countries, follow the place of the task of his father as the General Manager the hotel grand hyatt.
    The film cinderella that introduc the Cinta to the Indonesian community, to the end the love got the appreciation sctv awards with the category of the great actress during 2007.In the site he overcame his competitors in part Marshanda, shireen sungkar, and nia ramadhani.
    The Cinta that had high 170 cm and heavy 44 kg this also is stirr up with the activity taught English to children to be not more well-off.
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    Lowongan kerja Promotion Officer , Jobs Career September 2012

    PT Perintis Pelayanan Paripurna
    Perusahaan Retail Modern terkemuka memberikan kesempatan kepada anda untuk menempati posisi:

    Promotion Officer (PO)
    Jakarta Raya
    • Wanita, Single
    • Usia Maks. 24 Tahun
    • Pendidikan Min. D3/S1 Segala Jurusan
    • Fresh Graduate
    • Memiliki Kemampuan Persuasif

    *Penempatan Jabodetabek
    Kirimkan aplikasi lamaran lengkap anda beserta kode posisi yang dilamar ke :
    Email: centuryhealthcare@pharos.co.id  (format pdf)
    Atau: Anda Bisa Tentukan Sendiri Tanggal dan Lokasi Psikotest Pilihan Anda
    Melalui Website Kami di:
    Bila Kurang Jelas Bisa Telpon ke : 0858-13169458 (Dengan Ibu Dian)
    paling lambat 14 hari setelah iklan dimuat
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