Lowongan kerja , Staff Teknik, PT Langgeng Makmur Industri Tbk

… Urgently Required …

PT. Langgeng Makmur Industri Tbk. is a listed company on the Jakarta Stock Exchange. It has 5 main divisions:
1. Aluminium Cookware,
2. Plastic Houseware and Packaging,
3. PVC Pipes and Fittings,
4. Plastic Woven Bags,
5. Non-stick Cookware.

It has 3 manufacturing plants located in Tangerang and Sidoarjo with more than 2000 employees.
We are an equal opportunity employer and select candidates based on merits regardless of race, age, or gender.


Kualifikasi Kandidat:
  • Untuk pendidikan min D3/S1 Teknik Mesin/T. Elektro, bukan teknik Industri.
  • Pengalaman min 3 tahun di bagian Maintenance Machine (Injection/Extruder machine)
  • Menguasai dan mampu menganalisa sistem PLC, Hydrolik System, dan
  • Pneumatic System.
  • Menguasai Proses Injection Molding, atau Proses Extruder PVC.
  • Suka dengan tantangan baru.
  • Mengerti system ISO 9001 dibagian Maintenance.
  • Terbiasa dengan pekerjaan lapangan.
  • Usia minimal 23 tahun
  • Sanggup bekerja dalam tekanan

If you think you have qualification such above, please send your application enclosed with curriculum vitae and recent photograph to email: elisabeth_lm3@langgeng.com

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