Lowongan kerja Secretary , PT Krakatau Engineering , Jobs September 2012

Lowongan kerja Secretary , PT Krakatau Engineering , Jobs September 2012

PT. Krakatau Engineering is one of EPC company which is developing to the Top Big Five EPC company in Indonesia with the Vision Domestic Dominant Company which has the goals provide Engineering, Procurement and Construction also maintenance services related to industrial and infrastructure that giving advantage to the stakeholder.

PT Krakatau Engineering owned by the company of PT Krakatau Steel (Persero), having its Head Office in Cilegon and our projects in all part of Indonesia;  therefore, we are seeking highly qualified, self motivated and performance oriented candidates to join our team as :


  • Diploma Degree (D3) in Secretary
  • Min IPK 2,75 (scale 4)
  • Experienced in the same position
  • Good computer skill
  • Smart worker and be able to work under pressure
  • Good communication skill
  • Thorough, loyal and high initiative
  • Willing to be placed in Home Office at Cilegon
  • Willing to be started as contract employee

Please send your application, CV and also mention your expected salary to:
before October 12nd 2012 or click our website www.krakataueng.co.id

1 komentar:

  1. PT TWIN Logistics perusahaan Ppjk ingin mengajukan penawaran kerjasama dalam bidang pengurusan barang Import RESMI & BORONGAN.

    Services Kami,
    Customs Clearance Import sistem Resmi maupun Borongan
    Penanganan secara Door to Door ASIA & EROPA Sea & Air Service
    Penyediaan Legalitas Under-Name (Penyewaan Bendera Perusahaan)
    Pengiriman Domestik antar pulau seluruh Indonesia laut dan Udara atau Darat.

    Keterangan tambahan :
    1. Nomor Induk Berusaha ( NIB ) : 1257002601078
    2. IT ( Mainan, Elektronic, Garmen, Sepatu dan Peralatan kaki lainnya )
    3. SPI-PI Besi Baja,
    4. SPI-PI Produk Kehutanan,
    5. SPI-PI Barang Bekas,
    6. SPI-PI Tekstil & Izin TPT
    7. Produk-produk Lartas SNI
    8. LS ( Laporan Surveyor )
    9. LS Alas kaki
    10. LS Garment
    11. LS Textile
    12. LS Electronik

    Terima kasih atas kepercayaan kepada kami, semoga kerjasamanya berjalan dengan baik dan lancar.
    Jika ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut, Bpk/ Ibu dapat menghubungi Customer Support PT TWIN Logistics melalui Nomor Phone : +62 21 8498-6182, 8591-7811 Whatssapp : 0819-0806-0678 E-Mail : andijm.twinlogistics@yahoo.com

    Mr. Andi JM
    Hp Whatssapp : 0819-0806-0678 / 0813-8186-4189
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = =
    Jl. Raya Utan Kayu No.105 B Jakarta Timur 13120 Indonesia
    Phone : +62 21 8498-6182, 8591-7811 Fax : +62 21 8591-7812
    Email : pt.twinlogistics@yahoo.com, andijm@twin.co.id
    Web : www.twinlogistics.co.id , www.twin.co.id
